Author: John


What is #JohnsRideForMS? I’m so glad you asked.  I’ve been running marathons for over 10 years, but always said that I’d like to transition from running to bike riding; after all, I’d like to have knees left in 30 years. I’d also always wanted to start running for a charity, rather than doing it just […]

Wrestling with Emptiness

I’m finding that I have a very complex relationship with emptiness. It’s an important, and inescapable, concept; yet, like many profound things, it’s subtle. I’ve found 2 types of emptiness: the vacuum, and openness. They aren’t easy to distinguish, and I’m frankly not sure which one is more intimidating. The vacuum is laziness, selfishness; it is drifting, letting one’s […]

Ditties About Destruction, vol. 2: I Think I’m Going To Kill Myself

In the last post on this topic I discussed “Bombs Away” by the Police; in that song, we found a sobering and dark message embedded in a pert and bouncy melody, and touched on similar techniques of juxtaposition in pop art. This next song tackling a dark theme in a shockingly upbeat way is Elton John’s […]